Thank you for taking time to visit our site! Until we get our eStore fully functional, we ask that you fill out the form on the right, with your name, email and phone number, along with the your questions regarding workshops/classes dates and times.

We’ll get in touch with you and let you know about our next set of classes and workshops and get you on our schedule.

Please fill out the form below:

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Rock Painting Workshops

Decorations and gifts, rock paintings are a great way to share your thoughts and visions. Contact us for the next workshop!

Yoga Classes with Sharon

Reach inner peace. Let go of the 9-5 and join Sharon for stretching, relaxing, and releasing those issues in our lives that are creating stress. Call for times and dates.

Water Color Painting Workshops

Contact us for dates and times. Learn or “brush up” on your watercolor techniques from one of the top water color artists in our area! Contact us today to see when Sharon’s next class/workshop is scheduled, or schedule a private lesson.

Water Color BASICS; Painting Flowers

Sharon was born in Takoma Park Maryland. She attended Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC., and graduated from Stanford University with a BA in Art History. She loves to travel, explore and spend time in Nature, painting what the eye can see and the heart can feel.
She is also a registered and certified Hatha Yoga instructor and Dahn Yoga Healer, currently residing in La Jolla, California.
She was an exchange student in Mexico City and she has lived in Taipei, Taiwan and in Tokyo, Japan. Sharon is currently teaching two free Watercolor Painting Classes for the San Diego Community College District, in San Diego, California.

Greeting Card Catalogue

Greeting Cards

See something in our Greeting Cards gallery that you’d like to purchase? Fill out the form and let us know what you’d like to purchase.


And… you can print the full list by clicking on the button below to download Sharon’s Greeting Card PDF: